Yunhwan Kim, Unintended Bronze Console I, ROK, 2023

Yunhwan Kim, Unintended Bronze Console I, ROK, 2023

Yunhwan Kim, Unintended Bronze Console I, ROK, 2023

Yunhwan Kim is a South Korean artist who has, in the past 5 years, made a significant mark in the world of collectible design. With his distinctive line of works called the โ€œUnintended Series,โ€ which includes cabinets, tables, screens, mirrors, and lighting, Kim has captivated audiences with his remarkable craftsmanship and artistic vision.

Initially studying woodworking in school, Kim developed a hands-on approach to his art, embracing the tactile nature of the craft. His journey as an artist began with a series of small hand-carved wood objects such as trays, vessels, and bowls, which possessed what he refers to as โ€œunintended shapes.โ€ Intrigued by these forms, Kim started exploring their potential by connecting them, reversing their orientation to reveal dips and arcs, and modifying their shapes. Through this process, the works took on a life of their own, unfolding and evolving into large abstract pieces that eventually grew into his signature sculptural furniture.

What sets Kimโ€™s creations apart is their irregular, improvisational, and organic nature. His forms vaguely resemble the silhouette of spilled water, embodying a sense of fluidity and topography. Large contoured shapes define his pieces, interconnecting like tributaries or branch-like forms, creating an intricate and visually captivating composition. The fusion of these elements results in furniture that blurs the boundaries between function and art, challenging conventional notions of design.

In his latest works, Kim has ventured beyond wood and started incorporating cast aluminum and bronze. By mimicking the hand-carved wood forms in these high-end materials, he has firmly established his presence in the contemporary realm. This exploration of new mediums and materials adds a layer of sophistication and experimentation to his art, pushing the boundaries of his creative expression.

Yunhwan Kimโ€™s journey as an artist showcases the power of intuition and experimentation. His talent lies in transforming unintended shapes into sculptural furniture, showcasing his artistic vision and craftsmanship. Through the โ€œUnintended Series,โ€ Kim is challenging preconceived design notions and making a lasting impression in the world of collectible design.

As Kim works on a commission basis, custom designs may be requested.

35h x 81w x 27d in
88.90h x 205.74w x 68.58d cm

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Press about Yunhwan Kim

Todd Merrill Studio
80 Lafayette Street
New York NY 10013
Phone: 212 673 0531
Instagram: @ToddMerrillStudio
Todd Merrill Summer Studio
11 South Main Street
Southampton, NY 11968
Phone: 631 259 3601